目前分類:趣味英文 (44)

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 A middle-aged man returns home
from a business trip a day early,

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A woman accompanied her husband
to the doctor's office.

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A man left work one Friday afternoon
but, being payday, instead of going

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Two guys, one old timer and one
young, are pushing their carts

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 A man was walking in the street
when he heard a voice: "Stop!

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A married couple is driving along
a highway doing a steady forty miles

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 The Honeymoon is over

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 The CIA had an opening
for an assassin.

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星期三下午, 4個天真可愛的低年級小朋友上了他們第一堂的樂讀英文課. 小三的幾個高徒比學弟妹還興奮. Apple, Alice, Kiwi & Jeremy, 4個孩子是最理想的小班級經營模式. 果然這些小小孩對英文都還不太熟, 正好做聽力與發音訓練! 進度放慢¸再重覆, 加強印象卻不能單調喔! 本來準備的bingo card, 現在真的用不到. 為了遊戲, 這幾個小寶貝應該會甘願把單字唸熟, 不小心就記起來了~


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1. Great minds think alike.   英雄所見略同。

2. God's mill grinds slow but sure.   善有善報,惡有惡報;不是不報,時候未到.

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 小三英文實驗班已經進行了一段時間, 我們稱之為英文樂讀中班”. 4個孩子對這個小班級的認同感已經比較高了, 在一起上課成為一種習慣與默契(雖然偶爾老師請假, 他們還是很高興).

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沒生過病的醫生很難切身理解病人的疼痛; 沒在小學時學過英文的大人, 其實也不理解孩子的學習壓力~相對於比較認命, 可以咬牙苦撐的哥哥, 郭弟弟不太能抗壓. 加上自己三不五時看點書,吸引別人經驗, 修正自己的教學方式~個人收穫比學生多呢!

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1.echo & narcissus vs nemesis

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昨天天氣不穩定, 卻澆不息大家熱情閱讀的心. 幾位志工夥伴結伴到書酷英文書店”, 一路上還能練習應對進退, 真是一舉數得.


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Strike while the iron is hot.

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Actions speak louder than words.

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這個主題在前幾年挺熱門, 也聽過張教授的廣播訪談. 周遭有一些親友選擇砸錢, 讓孩子從小浸在全英文世界, 結果確不如預期. 其實教育真的是一種實驗, 每個人適合的方式不同, 殘忍的是, 這個實驗無法從來, 孩子就這麼長大了...

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The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand
that rules the world.

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Love does not consist in gazing at each
other but in looking together in the same

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What you send out~ comes back

What you sow~you reap

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