1.echo & narcissus vs nemesis

We can hear the echo of his footsteps.
He echoes my opinion.

Ice cream is my nemesis.
To do business with this guy is to invite nemesis.
2. panic & pan

Don’t panic, the fire truck is coming.
A ware of panic selling shakes the stock market.

Pan America
pots and pans
pan cakes
pan handle  v. to beg  n.平鍋柄
a flash in the pan  曇花一現, 空歡喜

3. muse vs museum   to amuse

4. Aphrodite vs aphrodisiac
Power is the best aphrodisiac.

5. Vulcan vs volcano

6. Mars / March/ martial
martial law
martial arts
court martial 軍事法庭

7. Psyche/ psychology/ psychoanalysis/ psychotherapy/ psychiatry
The coach psyches the team up before the game.

8. Hercules / herculean
It takes a herculean effort to bring this project to completion.

9. Atlas  【希神】(大寫)以肩頂天的巨神阿特力士; 地圖集

10. Pandora's box



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