連著下了一個多星期的雨~令人頗鬱悶! 一早還是溼溼答答的天氣, 讓人很猶豫今天的行程怎麼玩? 拋棄了十幾個孩子該上的英文課, 一定要值得呢!    


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 A middle-aged man returns home
from a business trip a day early,

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A woman accompanied her husband
to the doctor's office.

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A man left work one Friday afternoon
but, being payday, instead of going

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Two guys, one old timer and one
young, are pushing their carts

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 A man was walking in the street
when he heard a voice: "Stop!

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A married couple is driving along
a highway doing a steady forty miles

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 The Honeymoon is over

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 The CIA had an opening
for an assassin.

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這個週末, 胡里胡塗的郭哥哥要參加華山基金會的街頭募款志工活動~因應12年國教比序要求. 其他機會都被搶完了, 只剩週六下午的時段, 原來的作文, 英文課只好請假! <還得補課>


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