
I have a ship in the sand, in a magic land

Where the flowers are as high as the mountains

Under a burning sky

I have a house in the sea, in the deep blue sea

Where fishes are talking in yellow boots walking

I am so free to see what I want, I am so free

I have the sun in a glass, in a broken glass

When I need light, sunlight inside

I drink her beams

I have a woman in green, in a magazine

When I need love, she comes to me

I am so free to see what I want, she says to me

*Hello and goodbye

Goodbye, sad sweet dreamer

Hello and goodbye

Goodbye, wonder why

Everybody is dancing with you

Everybody is singing with you

Hello and goodbye, hello and goodbye

Sad sweet dreams

I have a bank in my jeans, in my blue blue jeans

Machines make money

from stone and from honey only for me

I have a dream in my dream, in my sweet sweet dream

Where the flowers are as high as the mountains

Under a burning sky

I am so free to see, she says to me (*)


    創作者 Christinetan543 的頭像

    Christine 的生活點滴

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