Um~if you listen, you can hear it call,wailerie There is a river Called the River of no return Sometimes it's peaceful And sometimes wild and free
Love is a traveler On the River of no return Swept on forever To be lost in the stormy sea
Wail-a-ree I can hear the river call (no return, no return) Wail-a-ree I can hear my lover call come to me (no return, no return)
I lost my love on the river And forever my heart will yearn Gone gone forever Down the River of no return Wail-a-ree wail-a-re-e-ee wail-a-re-e-ee She'll never return to me ( no return, no return) |
有一條河 人們叫它:不歸河 有時風平浪靜 有時波濤洶湧
愛是個旅人 漂流在永不回頭的河上 永遠向前行 迷失在狂風暴雨的海上
哇勒利........ 我聽見了河水的呼喚(不歸河........) 哇勒利........ 我聽見愛人呼喚著:到我身邊來吧! (不歸河.......)
我的愛迷失在河中 我心將永遠思念 愛永遠流逝而去 隨著不歸河的河水 哇勒利........ 他(她)永遠不會回到我身邊 (不歸河.......) |
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