目前分類:好歌學英文 (90)

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Silver bells, silver bells
It's Christmas time in the city

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 No matter what they tell us                            No matter what they do
No matter what they teach us                        What we believe is true

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Christinetan543 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I'm coming home, I've done my___________(mine/ time)
Now I've got to know what is and isn't ___________(mine/time)

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原本上週就該結業的英文歌曲班,  因為潭美颱風攪局, 加上溝通不良, 造成三個學生分兩次上課的情形, 三個好學的小女生對老師來說永遠受歡迎! 郭哥哥偶爾插花, 此次課程勉強可以算四位高徒.  
對英文原本就有底子,又有興趣的孩子, 可以接受的歌曲範圍就大得多. 這些孩子悟性也高, 所以老師不能太混. 有些歌詞細細品味後才發現字裡行間的"靈氣", 耐聽的好歌真的不是沒有原因的. 

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這個暑假因為學校整個封閉施工, 沒辦法開"暑期英文親子班", 所以改試高年級學生"自主學習密集班". 學生如預期中小貓兩三隻~不過, 能在暑假期間還持續對英文的熱情就真的不簡單了! 畢竟大部份孩子是被父母親"逼著"學英文, 能自主性樂學, 做老師的就不好太混. 下學期的重心要放在小三這梯, 所以這期的英文歌曲課程結束, 有可能要等比較久才有再開的機會~孩子們也理解, 認真捧場!


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Down the day where the nights are _______(gay/grey)
And the sun shines daily on the mountain top

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*Days of summer your end is in _________(side/sight)
So herald the birds on the wing

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Come with me in the ____________ of darkness(silent/ silence)
I want to show you secrets of life

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If there's anythingthat you want,

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If a picture paints a thousand words,
Then why can't I paint you?

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暑假活動差不多敲定了~應觀眾要求每週二&四早上10:00~11:00開辦英文歌曲課程, A+B(可擇其一上課), 14堂課. 學員報名截止, 請假要提早說喔! 預計菜單如下~


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I started a joke, which started the whole world __________(laughing/ crying),

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In the morning when the moon is at it's __________ (test/ rest),
You will find me at the time I love the ___________(best/ past)

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Your cheating heart will make you weep
You'll cry and cry and try to sleep

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Where have all the flowers gone, long time passing?
Where have all the flowers gone, long time ago?

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The tears I cry for you, could fill an ______________(ocean /lotion).
But you don't care how many tears I cry.

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How many roads must a man walk down
Before they call him a man?

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4/11, 週四, 陰天偶有雨. 今天本來預計麵包發酵, 同時要幫寶貝們的房間先上第一層油漆. 不過, 今天氣候過於潮濕, 只好將計劃延至下週.

揉麵團的同時, 當然一邊聽聽西洋老歌~想像著如果有一天我離開這個有趣的世界, 希望Honey(如果活的比我久)千萬別在告別式上重複播放南無阿彌陀佛”...  我比較希望是輕快優美的西洋音樂喔! 也許那時我教過的孩子們都已經中年有成就了! 想像一下, 一群兒時玩伴, 為了曾經同樣是西洋老歌的愛好者的我, 這些年輕人決定在我的告別式上, 獻唱當年他們學過的一些歌曲~ 相信我在天之靈(如果有靈的話….)一定會很欣慰, 很滿足. 這群年輕人也藉著這個事件, 重新回味自己從小到大的人生滋味, 然後對現實衝撞出火花, 對未來有更多期許~可以拍電影了, 絕對是個好題材!

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